So I found this article about the DEA busting some guy and taking his bankroll without even arresting him for any drug related charges. Here's the article. It seems the DEA is Robin Hood in reverse.
Here's the deal. The DEA can confiscate any and all real property during a drug bust or investigation. Your house, your savings, your dog can all be taken if they decide to bust you. How fucked up is that?
Who needs taxes, right? We just investigate enough people and take everything they have. I mean, why raise taxes when we can do that?
Does this sound like democracy to you? Oh yeah, they're for the people all right. They are for the people's belongings.
The rest of the story is that the burden of proof that your property belongs to you and should be returned is on you. The likelihood that you will ever see your stuff again is slim; very slim.
Police departments brag of updating their equipment with money raised from drug busts. Now these are busts from a few heavy hitters, but mostly possession for Marijuana busts.
Imagine this.
You're out on a Friday night. Maybe you are at a friend's house. You share a bong or three, when comes a rapping at your door. It's the cops. They bust everyone in the place. They confiscate all your vehicles and all money in your possession. What a bummer! You just got paid and you have the $500 for your rent in your pocket to give the owner in the morning.
Tough shit!
That money is gone, your car is gone, and if they feel like it. Anything you have in the bank is gone as well. Don't believe me? Just look up DEA asset forfeiture. The US Marshals can do the same. As far as I know, any police agency can seize your property.
Cool, huh?
What can you do? Well, not much. You can bug your politicians. They probably won't do much. They are part of the problem, but it is about all you can do.
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