Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Cannabis and Our Views

I read and article this morning from the New York Times. It got me going on a couple of things. Mostly about Cannabis and our views.

The article is about a medical marijuana grow going in near a town called Walkill, NY. What was interesting to me about this is that the neighboring farmer, the town council, and, generally, the people of the town being all for it. They don't seem to have much of a problem with its use and they certainly like the idea of more jobs in the area.

The article talks about a few other places that the same thing is happening in the state of New York. I wrote a post on one that is going in near me. The local sentiment was the same here. Who cares that it's Cannabis? We want the jobs and the revenue! There is a place mentioned in the article called Newark New York. Again, the same story. They want to jobs and the revenue.

I know several people who smoke Marijuana recreationally. They are responsible citizens. If I found out the mayor of my town consumed Cannabis, would I be upset? Hell no! As long as he/she does their job, I don't care.

Do I care that Obama smoked weed in college? Hell No! I think he's done some good things as President and some crappy things. However, the fact that he smoked Marijuana has nothing to do with those things. If he smokes it now I still don't think it has much do to with his job. I do like the mental picture I have of him and Michele sitting around the White House sharing a bong!

A couple of things that bothered me in the article.

One, it talked about how Governor Cuomo has kept the medical Marijuana law very narrow. There are only a few diseases that he will allow to be treated. I was unaware that the Governor was a medical Doctor and could diagnose treatment! The thing is, either he is stupid and still believes all that horseshit the federal government has been spewing about Cannabis for the last fifty years or so, or he has his hands in the pockets of the big pharma companies and doesn't want them to have the competition Marijuana might bring them. I would bet on the latter!

Another point in the article quoted the only negative voice. It was from a man who is a commercial developer. Those in favor of the new grow facility like the idea because it keeps some land from being developed. The nay sayer doesn't like it. Why? Because he wants to develop the land and make money. He doesn't give a shit about what's going in there. He cares that the land is being used by someone who isn't going to give him a dime! He makes it sound like he is being moral about it. He says that keeping open space is a good thing, but what you use to save it is a different story.

When I read that I think this guy isn't moral. He's fucking greedy! If he had thought to put that grow facility in and make millions, he'd be all for it!

Lastly, There is a gentleman quoted in the story who is in charge of security. He is an ex-cop. He says that the only reason he can be associated with this is that it is for medical purposes. Now wait a minute.

I happen to know that the numbers for drug and alcohol abuse among police officers is one of the highest in the nation. Why? Because they have a stressful job. It doesn't matter what you think of the police, their job is a tough one. They don't know if they will come home at the end of their shift or not.

The guy quoted in the article has come home on more than one occasion and drank a few beers or tossed down a couple of shots. I would bet on it. I don't think badly of him for that. What gets me is the hypocrisy.

It's okay for him to do that because alcohol is legal, but for someone to de-stress by smoking a joint or hitting a bong, or vape, or eat a brownie is wrong? Let's get real! The idea is that the person wants to mellow out or whatever you want to call it. They want to consume some substance that will help them forget, or deal, or whatever. Alcohol is 114 times more deadly than weed, according to one study.

My first thought was,"Fuck you! Who are you to tell me how I can de-stress. I didn't condemn you when you had a shot of whiskey!"

I think we need to own up to our beliefs and views.

Let's be honest. Let's say, "I don't want this facility going in because it cuts into my profits." Let's confess, "I don't want Marijuana to come in because I'm being paid by the big pharmaceuticals to keep it out." What if we just said," I don't want people consuming Cannabis because I'm prejudiced toward the ways I like to get high and against yours."

At least them we'd be honest.


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