Tuesday, May 12, 2015

High From Stoney Rhodes

Hi there. My name is Stoney Rhodes. Well, it isn't really. I guess I'm using a pen name so that the Feds, should they ever decide to bust me for dissing their shit will have to spend an extra thirty seconds to discover my real identity.

This blog is about Marijuana. It's about its uses, legalization, and the authorities efforts to stop it.


A little about myself.

Years ago, before kids and all that, I was a pretty heavy stoner. When the family came along, I stopped smoking. The penalty just wasn't worth it. My family was too important. Oh, I had the occasional hit, but often they were years apart.

Now that I am older and the kids are gone, I'm smoking again. It started like this.

A few weeks ago, a friend invited me and the wife down to his house to talk and smoke a bit with him and his wife. We did and we both liked it. I started wondering about it. You know the drill. Will it cause lung cancer? Will it cause me to not be able to have sex. All those questions.

I started investigating Marijuana and its uses and some history behind it. Wow! I found out some really interesting shit!

The benefits of using marijuana are legion! The down side is really quite small and some of those things are being found to be non-existent.  

I became pretty passionate about this. I mean, I don't need it for medical purposes. I use it just to get high. Having said that, there are thousands, if not millions of people who do need it for a variety of reasons. Still our government, (I'm in the US) makes anyone using it a criminal.

Well, so much for introductions. Stop by or maybe even subscribe to getting my updates. I hope to build a community, not just a place for me to spout off.

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