Tuesday, May 19, 2015

We Aren't All Stupid Stoners

Something that bothers me is a lot of the social media that has to do with consuming Cannabis is that it doesn't always shed the best light on who we really are. We aren't all stupid stoners.

What do I mean by that?

I follow a lot of folks on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and others who are consumers of the devil weed. Many of the posts in these forums are thoughtful and intelligent. Many of them are not. The ones I object to go something like this.

"Yea, I smoke weed. So what? Let's get high and fuck!"

Now I don't have anything against either of those activities. I have to say that I enjoy them both. The problem with these sorts of posts is that it sheds a negative light on folks who like to imbibe in Marijuana. Now don't go all hate on me. I like to joke around too. It's just that I see way more of those sorts of things than I do positive ones.

"Took a couple hits this morning then wrote on my book a while and laid down a new track to a song I'm recording."

That's a much more positive tweet or post and if a non-smoker sees it will be much more inclined to think that perhaps those who consume Cannabis aren't all depraved drug fiends.

By the way, that's what I really did this morning.

If we want the country and even the rest of the world to see us as functioning intelligent members of society, then we have to look like it, act like it, and sound like it.

It is just a guess, but I would think that that vast majority of us enjoy taking a hit now and then, but then continue on with our normal lives. Using Marijuana isn't a way to dodge life, but to help cope with it and enhance it.

Let's take the tone up a notch and help the outside world see that we are productive useful citizens.

Then we can get high and fuck!


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